this is for my fifth period personal finance class

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Experiences

Having the baby was over all a good experience. My family liked the baby and he wasn't a very big hassle.
Though it did get a bit annoying remembering to bring him and take him every where. The baby was awake and asleep off and on all the time during the day. When he would be awake he would become very social with everybody and would not stop crying until he had constant attention. I was the only one who could get him to stop crying. : )

The baby was fun and I enjoyed talking about it with people who asked questions. I didn't get any bad responses and it really wasn't too hard. Everybody was supportive and encouraging. My mom was really into the baby and constantly wanted to help. I didn't find it difficult to take him with me everywhere.

I am glad the project is pretty much over but it wouldn't bother me to continue it for another week. I found it fun and it did help me realize how much work a baby would be. With how easy the baby is to take care of when it DOESN'T cry, eat and poop makes me realize how hard it would be if it DID. If I had a real baby right now it would be MUCH harder and I would need a lot more help with things. I think having the fake babies that really cry and must be held would be fun but I would have disliked this project a lot more. It would have given a more realistic approach to the project. Over all this project was really fun. I enjoyed dressing the baby and letting people "play" with him and talk to him. It was fun watching people treat him like a real child.

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